Thursday, October 2, 2014

Review: Adovia Natural Sulfur Soap Bar

What is Adovia Natural Soap Bar?

This is a bar designed specifically for those with acne and oily skin(can be used on your face or body). The bar has ingredients such as olive oil, dead sea minerals, sulfur, and aloe vera extract, just to name a few. 
Sulfur has great antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties, but can be a bit drying to most skin. Adovia recommends that you start off slow when using this bar, don't go using it twice a day every day. Try using the bar once every other day or even every 2 days. Slowly work your way up to where you want to be. If you notice your skin drying too much, try to skip a day or cut down on how many times a day you use it. 

How do I use it?

This is pretty much used like any normal bar of soap.
1. Wet skin where applying and hands(or whatever you are using to apply). I personally use my Konjac Charcoal Sponge to apply the soap bar.
2. Rub soap on hands or item being used. I rub my wet sponge across the soap bar about 3-4 times and that is plenty for my face! 
3. Apply to skin and rinse.

First Impressions

I've never been one for sulfur based acne products and I personally was a bit hesitant to try this. I took one for the team and used it, boy am I glad I did! This product is great. The bar does not have a scent to it, so I don't need to worry about having different fragrances on my face is a choose to apply my vitamin C serums, which always seem to have a scent to them. I have been using this product for about a month and it has done a great job keeping my acne at bay. I may get an occasional pimple here and there, which is perfectly fine with me, I will then apply a spot treatment and go on my way. Using the sponge with the soap has made me use less product than I normally would, so I see lots of use coming from this soap bar! It looks like I barely made a dent in the soap and i've been using it once a day for a month. I may up my use to twice a day when the summer comes back around because I always tend to break out in the summer months due to my skin producing more sweat and oils. I hope they keep this soap bar around for the long run, because I will be repurchasing this bar for sure! Thank you Adovia for sending me this product for testing purposes.

Where can I purchase?

This product can be purchased on Amazon by following this link

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Review: BakeitFun Baking Mat

What is BakeitFun Baking Mat? / First Impressions

The BakeitFun baking mat is a non-stick silicone mat that you can place on your baking sheets to give your baking sheet extra protection while you are cooking. I use silicone mats for cookies and my cookies always turn out great. This mat also has printed circles on it which helps aid proper placement if you happen to be baking cookies. No more worrying about the cookies baking together! 
This mat is also great if you are making any type of pastry on your counter top and just want that extra protection on your prepping surface. Say you are making sugar cookies. You can place the dough right on the mat to roll it out, cut your cookies, remove excess dough, then transfer the mat right onto your baking sheet to go into the oven. 
I also love that it has the measurements on the edges. I have made soft pretzels on this baking mat and it was very easy to get uniform sizes to ensure they would all bake evenly. Silicone mats are great because you don't need to worry about the extra fat or grease from using a butter/shortening stick or spray to keep your baked goods from sticking. Though if you are baking sugar cookies, what is a few extra calories from a non-stick spray(I won't tell!). 
Baking mats are also great for easy clean up! If you are anything like me, and hate the clean up after baking/cooking, then look no farther. I am usually one to use parchment paper while I bake anything, because I HATE to scrub pans. I like that the baking mats are reusable, so I don't have to worry about running out of parchment paper while I am baking. I just take the baking mat from the baking sheet, give it a quick rinse with soap and water, dry, and you're good to go for the next round. Most of the time the baking sheet won't need more than a quick wipe down with a damp cloth.

Where can I purchase?

This product can be purchased on Amazon by following this link

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.